Head of the laboratory — Burtsev Igor Nikolaevich — Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical sciences
Junior Researcher — Vorobyov Nikita Nikolaevich — Postgraduate Student
Research interests: geology of the Quaternary cover, lithology, paleogeographic and geomorphological settings of the formation of the Quaternary deposits.
Junior Researcher — Derevesnikova Alexandra Anatolievna
Research interests: studying the geochemical characteristics of oils from various productive complexes, establishing the degree of catagenetic transformation and conditions for the migration of hydrocarbon systems.
Junior Researcher — Erofeevsky Andrey Vladimirovich
Research interests: brachiopods and their stratigraphic distribution, the development of modern methods of stratigraphic research in the closed territories of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas field.
Junior Researcher — Ignatiev Grigory Vladimirovich
Research interests: natural composite materials based on phosphate and calcium carbonate, experimental synthesis of biomimetic composites using various organic substrates, modeling the mechanical properties of organomineral structures.
Junior Researcher — Koksharova Yulia Aleksandrovna
Research interests: hydrogeology of the aquifer of the Jurassic sediments of the Timan-Northern Ural-Barents Sea region, assessment of resources, operational reserves of fresh groundwater.
Junior Researcher — Maksimenko Nadezhda Igorevna — Postgraduate Student
Research interests: geology of the suevites of the Kara astrobleme.
Junior Researcher — Onishchenko Sergey Andreevich
Research interests: gold ore mineralization in the north of the Urals.
Junior Researcher — Razmyslov Ilya Nikolaevich
Research interests: development of innovative technological solutions for the creation of new and modification of known materials based on quartz raw materials, leucoxene ores, bauxite of nonmetallurgical grades, chemically pure limestone; barites, natural and artificial zeolites, carbon substances.
Junior Researcher — Ulyashev Vasily Veniaminovich
Research interests: identification of potentially promising methods of processing carbonaceous materials using high-energy impacts.