No records
Cystostroma prodigiosum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
middle course of the Kozhym River, right bank, 6 km below the Limbekhayu River, opposite nameless island, outcrop 108
Antropova E.V. New species of stromatoporoids from the Upper Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. Paleontological Journal, 2007, No.6, pp.9-11.
Prynadaeopteris silovaensis Fefilova
Upper Permian
Preural Foredeep
the Silova River, oc. 6П
Fefilova L.А. Some ferns from the Permian deposits of the Pechora Urals // Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic northeast of the European part of the USSR. Syktyvklar, 1967. P.56–76.
Stylostroma flabellatum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
middle course of the Kozhym River, right bank, 6 km below the Limbekhayu River, opposite nameless island, outcrop 108
Antropova E.V. New species of stromatoporoids from the Upper Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. Paleontological Journal, 2007, No.6, pp.9-11.
Protatryra (?) inflata T. Beznossova
Upper Silurian
Tchernyshev Ridge
the Sharyu River
Beznosova T.M. New Early Silurian brachiopods of the European North - East of the USSR. Partitioning and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of the European North of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1985, pp.3–16. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 54).
(? ) Derbyia gigantea Kalashnikov
Lower Permian
Northern Timan
the Sula River
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Prmian European North of Russia. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1993. 151 p.
(?) Purdonella tschernyschewi Kalashnikov
Lower Permian
Northern Urals
the Unya River
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Upper Paleozoic European north of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 1980. 135 p.
Acanthocrania nordtimanica Kalashnikov
Lower Permian
Northern Timan
the Belaya River
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Prmian European North of Russia. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1993. 151 p.
AIispirifer tschormagysicus KaIashnikov
Middle Carboniferous
Middle Asia
Northern Nuratau Ridge
Kalashnikov N.V. Genus Alispirifer in the Middle Carboniferous of the Central Kyzyl Kum (Middle Asia) // Syktyvlar paleontological collection. 2000. No.4, pp.34–39. (Proc.IG Komi SC UB RAS. Issue 102).
Alispirifer nuratauensis Kalashnikov
Middle Carboniferous
Middle Asia
Nuratau Ridge
Kalashnikov N.V. Genus Alispirifer in the Middle Carboniferous of the Central Kyzyl Kum (Middle Asia) // Syktyvlar paleontological collection. 2000. No.4, pp.34–39. (Proc.IG Komi SC UB RAS. Issue 102).
Anathyris costatus Pershina
Lower Devonian
Subpolar Urals
the Malyi Patok River, oc. 29, sample 1450
Pershina A.I., Shcherbakov E.S., Tsyganko V.S., Borintseva N.A. Stratigraphy and facies of Silurian and Devonian deposits in the eastern regions of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Syktyvklar, 1965. V.2. 115 p. (Archives of Komi Science center. Fund 2. List 2, No. 241).