No records
Cystostroma prodigiosum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
middle course of the Kozhym River, right bank, 6 km below the Limbekhayu River, opposite nameless island, outcrop 108
Antropova E.V. New species of stromatoporoids from the Upper Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. Paleontological Journal, 2007, No.6, pp.9-11.
Stylostroma flabellatum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
middle course of the Kozhym River, right bank, 6 km below the Limbekhayu River, opposite nameless island, outcrop 108
Antropova E.V. New species of stromatoporoids from the Upper Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. Paleontological Journal, 2007, No.6, pp.9-11.
Protatryra (?) inflata T. Beznossova
Upper Silurian
Tchernyshev Ridge
the Sharyu River
Beznosova T.M. New Early Silurian brachiopods of the European North - East of the USSR. Partitioning and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of the European North of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1985, pp.3–16. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 54).
Atrypoidea pentagonalis T. Beznossova et Mizen
Upper Silurian
Tchernyshev Ridge
the Bolshaya Synya River
Beznosova T.M., Misens L.I. Lissatrypidae of the Greben Stage (Pridolian) of the Pechora Urals. Paleontology and Biostratigraphy of the Middle Paleozoic of the Urals. Sverdlovsk: USC AS USSR, 1980, pp. 55–72.
Atrypoidea vangyrica T. Beznossova et Mizens
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
the Vangyr River
Beznosova T.M., Misens L.I. Lissatrypidae of the Greben Stage (Pridolian) of the Pechora Urals. Paleontology and Biostratigraphy of the Middle Paleozoic of the Urals. Sverdlovsk: USC AS USSR, 1980, pp. 55–72.
Howellella rara T. Beznossova
Upper Silurian
Tchernov Ridge
the Padimeytyvis River, the Bezymyannyi Brook
Beznosova T.M. New Pai-Khoi and Tchernov Ridge brachiopods. Geology and Minerals of the North - East of the European Part of the USSR: Yearbook - 1976. Syktyvkar, 1977, pp.34–39.
Eoreticularia annae T. Besnossova
Upper Silurian
Tchernov Ridge
the Padimeytyvis River
Beznosova T.M. Upper Silurian Eoreticularia of Tchernov and Tchernyshev uplifts. Paleontology of Phanerozoic north of the European part of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1983, pp. 3–6. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi. Fil. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 43).
Ecclimadictyon faveolatum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals
Araneosustroma astroplexum Antropova
Upper Silurian
Subpolar Urals