No records
Protatryra (?) polymorpha T. Beznossova
Lower Silurian
Subpolar Urals
the Kozhym River
Beznosova T.M. New Early Silurian brachiopods of the European North - East of the USSR. Partitioning and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of the European North of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1985, pp.3–16. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 54).
Pseudocamarotoechia (?) usaensis T. Beznossova
Lower Silurian
Subpolar Urals
the Bolshaya Usa River
Beznosova T.M. New Early Silurian brachiopods of the European North - East of the USSR. Partitioning and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of the European North of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1985, pp. 3–16. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 54).
Virgiana adakia Perschina et T. Beznossovа
Lower Silurian
Subpolar Urals
M. Adak River
Beznosova T.M. New Early Silurian brachiopods of the European North - East of the USSR. Partitioning and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of the European North of the USSR. Syktyvkar, 1985, pp. 3–16. (Proc. of Institute of Geol. Komi branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Issue 54).
Kitakamithyris uralicus Kalashnikov
Upper Carboniferous
Subpolar Urals
the Shchugor River
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Upper Paleozoic of the European North of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 1980. 135 p.
Lissochonentes uralensis Kalashnikov
Upper Carboniferous
Subpolar Urals
the Shchugor River, Srednie Vorota area
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Upper Paleozoic of the European North of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 1980. 135 p.
Pugnax tetraformis Kalashnikov
Upper Carboniferous
Subpolar Urals
the Shchugor River, Verkhnie Vorota area, oc. 39
Kalashnikov N.V. Brachiopods of Upper Paleozoic of the European North of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 1980. 135 p.
Gigantoproductus quadratus Kalashnikov
Lower Carboniferous
Subpolar Urals
the Kozhym River, oc. 2, bed 92
Kalashnikov N.V. Early Carboniferous Brachiopods of Pechora Urals. Leningrad: Nauka, 1974. 220 p.
Levigatella nadotica Perschina
Middle Devonian
Subpolar Urals
the Matyashor Brook
Pershina А.I., Larin N.M. New Hypidulids of the Devonian Urals and Central Asia // New Species of Ancient Plants and Invertebrates of the USSR. Moscow: Nauka, 1977. Issue 4. P.123–127.
Leiorhynchus pavlovi compressa Pershina
Upper Devonian
Subpolar Urals
Pershina A.I., Shcherbakov E.S., Tsyganko V.S., Borintseva N.A. Stratigraphy and facies of Silurian and Devonian deposits in the eastern regions of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Syktyvklar, 1965. V.2. 115 p. (Archives of Komi Science center. Fund 2. List 2, No.241).
Schuchertella schugoria Pershina
Lower Devonian
Subpolar Urals
Pershina A.I., Shcherbakov E.S., Tsyganko V.S., Borintseva N.A. Stratigraphy and facies of Silurian and Devonian deposits in the eastern regions of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Syktyvklar, 1965. V.2. 115 p. (Archives of Komi Science center. Fund 2. List 2, No.241).