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Scientific articles |
Off-line pyrolysis of kerogen from domanik deposits of the Timan-Pechora basin N. S. Burdel’naya, A. A. Derevesnikova, D. A. Bushnev
We have studied the composition of aliphatic and aromatic fractions of kerogen pyrolysis products from Timan-Pechora basin domanik rocks characterized by different levels of thermal maturity of its organic matter. We determined regularities of changing pyrolysate composition with the growth of OM catagenesis, which were confined in the reduction of concentrations of n-alkanes and n-alkenes-1, n-alkylnaphthalenes and n-alkylbenzenes. By the middle of the main phase of oil formation the sulphur structures completely disappear from the kerogen matrix. In the most mature specimens of domanik kerogen the content of aliphatic hydrocarbons is comparable to their content in immature kerogen of Upper Jurassic shales from the East European platform, reflecting a good residual hydrocarbon potential of organic matter of catagenetically altered domanik deposits.
Keywords: kerogen, Domanik deposits, thermal maturation, pyrolysis.
DOI: DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-10-3-7
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Middle carboniferous phosphorites of the yayyu suite in the Nyan’vorgavozh river basin (the lemva paleotectonic zone of the Urals) V. A. Saldin
Results of study of structures and composition of Middle Carboniferous phosphorite concretions in the Lemva paleotectonic zone are presented. The complexconstruction of the geological section is shown and Middle-Late Carboniferous fossils are presented. A variety of calcium phosphate microstructures (cryptocristalline, coagulatio-clotted, microbiomorphic, radiated) which is classified as a carbonate fluorapatite, and a version of its formation is suggested.
Keywords: Lemva paleotectonic zone of the Urals, Middle Carboniferous deposits, Yayyusuite, phosphates, fluorapatite.
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-10-8-15
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Metallogeny of carboniferous shales of the nyarovey series (Polar Urals) O. V. Grakova, N. S. Ulyasheva
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New data on silurian stromatoporoids from the Bezymyanny creek (Chernov swell) E. V. Antropova
In the Bezymyanny Creek Silurjan section there are some problems of deposits dating, as far as clear lithological markers are not available and fauna complex is combined. Deposits are Wenlockjan dated based on brachiopod and coral fauna, conodont complex is Wenlockian and Llandoverian mixed. The paper presents results of Stromatoporoid complex researches that contain 11 species. One species is indicative for Wenlockjan, five for Ludlowjan and five are widely spread in Wenlockjan and Ludlowjan both. A rich stromatoporoid complex completes the faunistic characteristic of section and proves uneasy environment and importance continue dating research.
Keywords: Stromatoporoids, Silurian, Chernov Swell.
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-10-22-31
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22—31 |
Comparison of petrophysical characteristics of prenite-pumpellyite and amphibolite metamorphic facies (Kola peninsula) O. M. Trishina, F. F. Gorbatsevich, V. R. Vetrin
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Phosphorite finds in the sezym formation (lower permian, Kos'yu-Rogovaya depression) N. S. Inkina
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Pgm mineralization in sulphide ores of Savabeysky area (Central Pay-Khoy, Ugra peninsula) R. I. Shaybekov, A. V. Zhuravlev
The paper presents the results of study of the PGM mineralization, associated with the copper-nickel sulfide ores using electron microscopy and, for the first time, X-ray microtomography methods for Savabeysky ores located within Khenguryu gabbro-dolerite complex of Pay-Khoy. PGM mineralization is represented by bismuth-antimony and antimony-bismuth palladium tellurrides, kotulskite, sperrylite, hessite, bismuth-telluride and gold.
Keywords: Ugra Peninsula, Pay-Khoy, Khengur gabbro-dolerite complex, sulfide copper-nickel mineralization, SEM, XCT, sulphides, platinum group minerals.
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-10-45-51
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45—51 |
Crystal-chemical features of globular layer silicates from the Chim-Lоptyuga oil shale deposit Y. S. Simakova
The results of mineralogical investigation of globular phyllosilicates (glauconite and mixed-layer minerals) from the Chim-Lоptiuga pyroschist deposit are presented. Grains were studied using modern chemical and physical methods: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microprobe analyses, infra-red spectroscopy.
Special attention was given to the crystal-chemical features of mineral and processes of glauconite formation in the producting rocks.
Keywords: glauconite, smectite, mixed-layer minerals, formations of phyllosilicates.
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2016-10-52-57
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Chronicle, events, facts |
Original with natural facet (to the 60th jubilee of V. I. Rakin)
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Utstanding prospector (to the 50th jubilee of I. N. Burtsev)
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