Scientific articles
Petropavlovskoe lode gold deposit, the Polar Urals: geological and structural features of veinlet-disseminated gold-sulphide mineralization R. Kh. Mansurov, A. V. Andreev, S. S. Dvurechenskaya, I. V. Vikentyev
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2017-3-3-13
The paper deals with geological and structural features, hydrothermal alteration, ore types of the Petropavlovskoe gold deposit located in the North of the Smaller Urals volcano-plutonic belt being the part of the Middle Paleozoic island arc system of the Polar Urals. The ore-controlling role of porphyry diorite bodies of the latest phase of intrusion has been detected. There are two ore types: gold-sulphide (main for the deposit) and gold-enriched gold-low-sulphide-quartz. The morphology and parameters of the gold-bearing mineralized zones and ore bodies are characterized. The Petropavlovskoe deposit can referred to the gold-porphyry type on the base of its structural and morphological, mineralogical and geochemical features. Such specific features include: spatial association of gold mineralization with the bodies of porphyry intrusive phases; stockwork structure of gold-bearing zones; volumetric character of ore-alteration zoning and ore component distribution.
Keywords: the Polar Urals, Petropavlovskoe gold-porphyry deposit, lode gold-sulfide mineralisation, linear-stockwork structure.
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Conditions of formation of the diaspore in the primary fluid inclusions in corundum of the Sutara deposit (Jewish Autonomous Region, Russian Far East) S. Y. Buravleva, O. V. Avchenko, V. A. Pakhomova
Cr-Fe metacolloidal nodules from the white carnallite rocks of the verkhnekamskoe salt deposit I. I. Tchaikovsky, E. P. Chirkovа, D. E. Trapeznikov
Lythological and chemical composition and depositional conditions of the middle riphean metaclastic rocks in the Ochparma upland (South Timan) N. Y. Nikulova
Statistical characteristic of porosity in lavas of Тolbachik fissure eruption 2012—2013 (TFE-50), Kamchatka A. S. Myandin, K. V. Tarasov
DOI: DOI:10.19110/2221-1381-2017-3-35-38
At present, works, devoted to modern volcanism, hardly affect such a property of volcanic lavas as bubbling. In this article the first results of the study of the bubbling properties of the products of the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption 2012–2013 are given. Planometric methods for analyzing rocks from their images were used and statistical calculations were made. As a result, five types of lavas were identified — from the least porous — dense to the most porous scoria. The type of lava is porous-vesicular with a cumulative volume of cavities of 30–55 %. With increasing porosity-vesicularity, the size of the voids and the degree of their elongation are directly correlated.
Keywords: Tolbachik, volcanic eruption, porosity-vesicular lava.
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Diagnostics of natural tellurides of noble metals using raman spectroscopy and x-ray microtomography (ore occurrence Savabeysky, Pay-Khoy) R. I. Shaybekov, S. I. Isayenko, A. V. Zhuravlev, A. Vymazalova
Chronicle, events, facts
50 years in geochemistry: the 80th Jubilee of Ya. E. Yudovich
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Noah's Ark: The 10th anniversary of the opening of A. P. Borovinskikh’s exposition
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Clays radiographist: To the 85th anniversary of V. V. Khlybov
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