-----Scientific articles-----
Compositional features major rock-forming minerals of the amphibolites of ilmenskaya series of ilmenogorsky complex (the South Urals) A. S. Nikandrov, S. N. Nikandrov
The inclusion of gold in accessory zircon of the Kozhim granitic massif Yu. V. Denisova
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2017-4-12-15
The crystals of zircon can reveal information about their formation environment due to their resistance to external influence and also inclusions observed of them. Zircon can contain different mineral inclusions: biotite, plagioclase, quartz, аpatite, etc. However no information about gold inclusions has been available in the zircons from granites of the Sudpolar Urals. The study results of the inclusions of gold in accessory zircon of the Kozhim granitic massif are presented in this paper. The studied mineral is a dark-brown translucent short-prismatic crystal containing an inclusion of gold and nodules of quartz. According to our studies, the inclusion of gold formed during the growth of zircon and it is gold covered with a thin film of oxide gold. It was confirmed that the crystallization of the studied zircon occurred at a temperature of 800 °С and above at the stage of formation of granites of Kozhim massif. We suggested the presence of an additional temperature mode when the temperature decreased to 700 °C and below during the postmagmatic stage.
Keywords: accessory zircon, granite, inclusion, gold, the Kozhim massif, the Subpolar Urals.
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The Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous isolated carbonate platform in the Subpolar Urals (Bol'shaya Nadota River) D. A. Gruzdev
Mineralogy of blast furnace slags E. A. Gorbatova, S. A. Kharchenko, E. G. Ozhogina, O. A. Yakushina
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2017-4-24-28
National economy development requires an increase of metallurgical production accompanied by technogenic mineral matter characterized by heterogeneous phase composition and structure.
The aim of this study is a comprehensive mineralogical investigation of blast furnace slags produced by OJSC «MMK» for prognoses of possibility and areas of their utilization. We implemented a complex of modern mineralogical-analytical methods.
These blast furnace slags have porous structure of porphyry, intersertal and spherulite type. The main slag-forming minerals are akermanite, pseudowollastonite (79—94 %), secondary — fayalite, diopside, oldhamite, perovskite, jacobsite, bixbyite, ferrite (3 %). The amorphous component of slags does not exceed 18 %.
Keywords: blast furnace slag, industrial raw materials, processing, laboratory study, mineral composition, structure, akermanite, pseudowollastonite.
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Radionuclide sorbents based on industrial wastes: physical and chemical properties and application potential O. B. Kotova, L. N. Makalchuk, D. A. Shushkov, T. G. Leontieva, A. A. Baklai
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2017-4-29-36
The actual task is to unite the efforts of scientists from different countries to find efficient sorbing materials and develop technologies for their production for purification of water systems, technogenic structures from radionuclides, heavy metals and other contaminants. The objects of the research are red mud (RM) from Ural aluminum plant and clay-salt slimes (CSS) from the 3rd mining factory of JSC «Belaruskali», which were studied by modern analytical methods. We estimated the application potential of the industrial wastes of bauxite processing (Russia) and sylvinite ore (Belarus) accumulated at enterprises of mining industry of these countries, in the technologies of rehabilitation of disturbed agroecosystem and purification of water environments and ecosystems from radionuclides.
Keywords: red mud, clay-salt slimes, physical and chemical properties, sorption, radioactive contamination, uranium, radium, thorium, radiocesium.
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Comparative histology of conodonts and early vertebrates A. V. Zhuravlev
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2017-4-37-42
The study of the histology of the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous conodont elements allows characterizing the main types of hard tissues, composing a conodont element crown: lamellar, paralamellar, interlamellar, and albid. Significant differences between texture and composition of the conodont hard tissues and those of Vertebrata are detected. Some similarities observed in the structures of the conodont and vertebrate mineralized tissues may be caused by similar process of biomineralization, not by synplesiomorphy.
Keywords: Conodonta, histology, hard tissues, Late Devonian, Early Carboniferous, Vertebrata.
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-----Chronicle, events, facts-----
The visit of the Ambassador of Bahrain
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New results of cooperation of researchers from Stanford University and the Institute of Geology
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I. I. Golubeva’s petrographical kaleidoscope (Commemorating the 60th Jubilee)
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Fanatic of Science (Commemorating the 95th Anniversary of the birth of B. I. Guslitser)
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Master of structural forms (Commemorating the 75th birthday of L. A. Yanulova)
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