Scientific articles
Age and composition of the upper part of the Upper Visean Lower Permian petroleum-bearing formation of the southern part of Kosyu-Rogovaya depression A. V. Zhuravlev, Y. A. Vevel
Chemical structure of coals of Vorkuta region and hypercoals by the data of analytic pyrolysis D. A. Bushnev, N. S. Burdelnaya, D. V. Kuzmin, O. V. Valiaeva, A. A. Derevesnikova, V. A. Belyy
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-8-8-12
This paper assumes the study of the structure of the organic mass of coals in the Vorkuta region and its comparison with the structure of the hypercoals and organic matter of the residue obtained from them by the methods of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-chromatography-mass spectrometry. Judging by the TGA data, the largest weight loss at lower temperatures is typical for hypercoals. We found that the ratio of aliphatic and aromatic components of the pyrolyzate contents was not the same for coals and hypercoals. The organic substance of the hypercoals produces more phenanthrenes in pyrolysis compared to naphthalenes and n-alkanes than the original coal and residue, and for the organic matter of the residue, the greatest ratio of n-alkanes / phenanthrenes in pyrolysis products is characteristic.
Keywords: coal of Vorkuta region, hypercoal, pyrolysis, chromatography-mass spectrometry, TGA.
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Protogenetic and syngenetic inclusions of olivine in diamonds from kimberlites of Yakutia according to Raman and IR-spectroscopy L. D. Bardukhinov, Z. V. Spetsius, R. V. Monkhorov
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-8-13-19
The results of optical-spectroscopic studies of olivine inclusions in diamonds from kimberlite pipes «Zapolyarnaya», «Komsomolskaya-Magnitnaya», «Botuobinskaya», «Yubileynaya», «Komsomolskaya», «Aikhal» and «Mir» of the Yakutsk diamondiferous province are presented to establish signs of syngenetic and protogenetic growth in relation to the host mineral. Diamonds with inclusions of olivine were represented by crystals of type I according to the classification of Yu. L. Orlov. According to Raman spectroscopy data residual pressure in diamonds are determined. The criteria for the syngeneity of olivines have been determined based on Raman spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy of diamonds.
Keywords: diamonds, inclusions, kimberlites, оlivines, Raman spectroscopy, IR-spectroscopy.
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Fluid mode of quartz vein formation of Yarotashor gold placer (Subpolar Urals) N. V. Sokerina, T. P. Mayorova, S. N. Shanina, S. I. Isaenko
Nanostructured features of carbon polyphase aggregates of after-coal impact metamorphism products V. V. Ulyashev, T. G. Shumilova, B. A. Kulnitskiy, I. A. Perezhogin, V. D. Blank
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Oxygen-bearing defects in X-ray exited luminescence spectra of fluorite from massive sulfide ores of Safyanovskoe deposit and its typomorphic significance Yu. V. Glukhov, V. P. Lutoev, E. I. Soroka, M. E. Pritchin
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-8-34-38
Study results of fluorite from Safyanovkoe massive sulfide ores deposit, obtained by X-ray exited luminescence methods, are presented. Intensive bands of own lattice defects and impurity Eu2+-ions, and also line systems of variable impurity isomorphic TR3+-ions with different types of charge compensators were found out in X-ray exited luminescence spectra. For the first time data about presence of oxygen-containing (trigonal) Gd3+–O2--defects in structure of fluorite of Safyanovkoe deposit are showed. In the opinion of the authors, the occurrence of oxygen-bearing defects in fluorite indicate its crystallization from hydrothermal solutions, having relation with hydrospheric subsurface waters, that were containing a free oxygene.
Keywords: fluorite, X-ray exited luminescence spectra, impurity TR3+-ions, types of charge compensators, Gd3+–O2--defects, Safyanovkoe massive sulfide ores deposit, genesis.
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About geological-industrial types of technogenic deposits A. B. Makarov, A. G. Talalay, G. G. Khasanova
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-8-39-45
The study of technogenic deposits is determined by the need for their processing as an additional source of mineral raw materials. For these purposes, it is necessary to generalize the experience of researching similar objects and to identify the main geological-industrial types for priority work.
The object of the study is technogenic deposits of black, nonferrous and noble metals of the Urals region.
Possible geological and industrial types of technogenic deposits are identified. The basis for this was the research data carried out in recent years. The main geological-industrial types of technogenic deposits are examined by the example of the Urals and other regions of Russia. The main ones for ferrous metals are tailing dumps and slag dumps, for non-ferrous metals, a significant part of which are complex (Cu, Zn, Au, Ag) — rock dumps, sludge dumps and slag dumps. For precious metals, were chosen as geological and industrial types dumps of enclosing rocks, technogenic placers and tailings.
Keywords: technogenesis, technogenic deposits, geological-industrial types, black, non-ferrous and noble metals.
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Typization of irregular spatial tilings Yu. L. Voytekhovsky
DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-8-46-50
A method of typization of irregular spatial tilings that uses the Hardy — Weinberg equilibria, as well as algebraic quadratic and cubic forms is suggested in the article. The proposed approach affects the problems of many natural sciences, but seems to be more effective in petrography to classify the rock textures. The textures are suggested to belong to the same class if they have the indicatrices of the same topological type.
Keywords: irregular spatial tilings, Hardy — Weinberg equilibrium, algebraical quadratic and cubic forms.
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Chronicle, events, facts
Ontogenesis of Academician (Celebrating A. M. Askhabov’s 70th Jubilee)
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Conqueror of Earth depths (Celebrating V. V. Udoratin’s 50th Anniversary)
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IR-spectroscopy in good hands (Celebrating M. F. Samotolkova’s 60th Anniversary)
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New entry to the foundation of plant remains (Of the Gelogical museum named after A. A. Chernov)
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