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On the cover: nodular chromitite (Voykar-Synya massif, Polar Urals). Photo by R. Shaybekov |
Научные статьи / Scientific articles |
Lithological characteristics of the pre-Greben' regional unconformity of the Sizimcelebeyshor creek of the Chernov Uplift I. I. Danshchikova, I. L. Ulnyrov, T. V. MaydlDOI: 10.19110/geov.2022.12.1 A lithological description of natural outcrops of Upper Silurian rocks in the section of the Sizimcelebeyshor creek of the Chernov uplift has been presented. Based on the results of the studies, the sedimentation gap at the end of Gerd'yu superhorizon is characterized. We consider breccias and interlayers of red-green plastic eluvial clays associated with the unconformity as occurrences of the Silurian paleocarst. This factor should be taken into account in the local forecast of zones with improved reservoir properties for carbonate rocks. The conducted studies allow significantly replenishing the sedimentological and chronostratigraphic characteristics of this area of work, which in the future can contribute to solving problems of regional correlation, paleofacial reconstructions and optimization of geological exploration. Keywords: Upper Silurian, Gerd'yu and Greben' superhorizons, lithology description, regional unconformity, brachiopods, conodonts, Chernov Uplift. |
3—10 |
Petroleum potential of the Lower Devonian reservoirs on the Chernyshev Swell (Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province) M. S. Nechaev, T. V. Maidl, I. S. KotikDOI: 10.19110/geov.2022.12.2 The Chernyshev Swell is one of the poorly studied and promising areas for the hydrocarbon (HC) exploration in the north of the Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province. Lower Devonian carbonate deposits as part of the Middle Ordovician-Lower Devonian petroleum complex are considered as a priority object for the HC exploration. The study of the Lower Devonian deposits in well core and outcrop showed that the reservoirs were represented mainly by fractured-cavern-pore and cavern-fractured dolomites. The porosity of the rocks reaches 9.3 % with a predominance values in the range of 0.5–1.5%. The permeability values up to 1.0×10–15 m2 are predominant, less often in the range of 1–10×10–15 m2. Such filtration and capacitive properties characterize them as low-capacity and low-permeable reservoirs. The best properties of reservoirs are associated with facies of carbonate shallows, small biostomes and biogerms. The petroleum source rocks are contained in the clay-carbonate unit of the Ovinparma Formation. The OM richest rocks (Corg — 1.08–1.88%) are characterized by the values of (S1+S2) generation potential — 2.18–8.65 mg HC/g rock and hydrogen index HI — 153–432 mg HC/g Corg, which classifies them as medium petroleum source rocks. Thus, the presence of reservoirs, petroleum source rocks and overlapping by the Upper Devonian regional seal is a favorable condition for the formation of HC deposits in the Lower Devonian. Keywords: Chernyshev Swell, Lower Devonian, reservoirs, porosity, permeability, hydrocarbons. |
11—19 |
Structure, petrography and petrogeochemistry of acid rocks of extrusive-subvolcanic body of the southern part of the Enganepe Ridge (Polar Urals) T. A. VovchinaDOI: 10.19110/geov.2022.12.3 The results of the study of textural and structural features of acidic volcanites of the extrusive-subvolcanic body of the Lyadgey Complex (lV2ld) between the Pravy Izyavozh and the Levy Izyavozh creeks of the southern part of the Enganepe Ridge are reported. We found that the extrusive-subvolcanic formation had an inhomogeneous structure due to the zonal arrangement of rock varieties: massive, fluid and spheruloid rhyolites, clusters of rhyolite and dacite composition. Prominence in relief, signs of extrusion of viscous lava, flow textures, successive change from west to east of fluid varieties by massive and then spheroid, the presence of clastolaves of rhyolite and dacitic compositions allow classifying the studied object as an extrusive genetic type. Keywords: extrusive-subvolcanic body, rhyolite, clastolava, Enganepe Ridge. |
20—28 |
Stratigraphic range of the Toupugol'egart Formation (Lower-Middle Devonian, Polar Urals)
29—37 |
Investigation of dependence of the heat flux anomalies in the rear of subduction zones on the angle and velocity of subduction S. V. Gavrilov, A. L. KharitonovDOI: 10.19110/geov.2022.12.5 The relevance of the material presented in this article is related to the identification of the dependence of the anomalous heat flux magnitude on the angle and velocity of lithospheric subduction, and assuming the constancy of the effective viscosity of the upper mantle material and the conductive mechanism of dissipative heat transfer. We analytically solved the equation of dissipative heat transport in a mantle wedge over a flatly subducting lithospheric plate on the basis of the method estimating the anomalous heat flux carried to the day surface from the mantle wedge in the rear of subduction zones. As a result, exemplified by Amur and Adriatic plates, for which the velocity of subduction is determined by modern geodetic methods (approximately 10 mm per year) and the angle of subduction — from seismological data (25–30 degrees), the obtained dependence of the anomalous heat flux on the angle and velocity of lithospheric subduction is proved valid. The previously unmeasured velocity of the Black Sea microplate subduction under the Crimea was estimated of 3 mm per year. With the obtained velocity of matter in the mantle wedge at the roof of the mantle, the upward conductive flow can provide the observed removal of heat and hydrocarbons from the mantle to the day surface and the formation of hydrocarbon deposits. Keywords: angle, velocity of subduction, heat flux anomalies, dissipative heating. |
38—43 |
Preliminary mineralogical assessment of the Kuznetskaya coal preparation plant wastes
44—48 |
Tourmaline inclusions in pyrite from Riphean terrigenous deposits of the Middle Timan
49—56 |
Chronicle, events, facts. History of Science | |
Laboratory of Lithology and Geochemistry of Sedimentary Formations of the Institute of geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS will celebrate its 50th anniversary on July 1, 2023 |
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Plan of conferences and seminars for 2023 |
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Index of publications in Vestnik of Geosciences in 2022 |
58—60 |