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On the cover: pollen grain Aster sibiricus L. (fam. Asteraceae). |
Scientific articles |
Gravitational and magnetic anomalies generated by strike-slip structures in the upper part of the earth's crust
3—9 |
Distribution of ore-forming elements and minerals in gold objects of the Western Uzbekistan
10—25 |
Electroacoustic properties of various types of quartz in the finely dispersed state
26—30 |
From Professor D. P. Grigoriev’s archive: E. V. Zinserling’s letters Yu. L. VoytekhovskyDOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.2.4 The article for the first time publishes six letters and photos of the famous Russian crystallographer and mineralogist Dr. Sci. (Geol. & Mineral.) E. V. Zinserling (1887—1979) from the personal archive of Prof. D. P. Grigoriev (1909—2003), covering the period from 28.10.1958 to 02.03.1964, and also official letters from the Moscow State University from 15.12.1958 with the abstract of her dissertation and from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of piezo-optical mineral raw materials from 28.09.1962 and 03.01.1963 with a request for reviewing and scientific editing of her articles. All documents are original, manuscripts are transcribed and attributed by the author. The article is relevant due to advocating priorities of domestic science and technology. The work is aimed at the fullest possible coverage of the creative life and professional activity of Dr. Sci. E. V. Zinserling, which is insufficiently characterized in historical and popular scientific literature. The materials presented in this article substantially complete and enliven her biography, which is full of comprehensive studies of natural and synthetic quartz, with world-class results implemented in industrial technology. Attention is drawn to the importance of personal archives of outstanding personalities in the study of the history of science. Professor D. P. Grigoriev’s archive in his letters and other documents (protocols, programs, conference transcripts, etc.) reflects a whole layer of the pre- and post-war history of Russian mineralogy. Keywords: D. P. Grigoriev, E. V. Zinzerling, crystallography and mineralogy of quartz, history of mineralogy. |
31—36 |
Tolbachik diamonds (TFE-50, Kamchatka): new evidence of volcanogenic nature
37—41 |
Chronicle, events, facts. History of Science | |
«Prospects for the development of the Timan-Pechora petroliferous province |
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New publications |
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15th ICAM First Circular Download full text |
43—44 |