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On the cover: rock crystal with inclusions of hematite of various generations, Yakutia,the Aldan shield, the Perekatnoye deposit-777-891, donated by V. L. Kalinin
Scientific articles
Fossil resins of Alaska: history of study O. V. Martirosyan
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.5.1
The article reviewes the current state of knowledge of fossil resin finds in Alaska (USA). On the basis of little-known and fragmentary documents found in both Russian and foreign scientific literature, their main locations are briefly described. The primacy of Russian researchers mentioning fossil resins of coastal regions of Alaska is noted. Their level of study is evaluated. Information on fossil resin finds from Alaska can expand the existing resin database, and an advanced study of their physical and chemical characteristics and formation conditions will help to refine the classification attributes of fossil resins, and may also provide additional opportunities for solving palaeobotanical and paleogeographic problems when comparing northeastern Russia and Alaska.
Keywords: Alaska, Russian America, fossil resins, retinites, amber.
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Minerals of the Subpolar Ural Crystal-Bearing Province in the collections of the A. A. Chernov Geological Museum L. R. Zhdanova, I. S. Astakhova
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.5.2
The article provides information about a wide variety of crystal-bearing deposits in the Subpolar Urals. Unique collections of minerals from crystal-bearing nests are collected in the Geological Museum named after A. A. Chernov. The cadastre contains 84 minerals and makes up 65 % of the total cadastre of deposits. Crystal-bearing minerals of the locality and occurrences of the Subpolar Urals of all classes are represented in the Museum funds to varying degrees. The minerals of silica, fluorite, layered silicates and carbonates are most fully represented. A high proportion of fund representativeness is established for the Kozhim, Skalistoye, Pelingichey-3, Puiva, Khasavarka, Vodorozdelnoye, Omega-Shor and Severnaya Lapcha fields. The subsequent study of minerals to replenish the museum funds and form a reference mineralogical collection of unique crystal-bearing objects of the Subpolar Urals is prognosed.
Keywords: mineralogy, cadastre, Subpolar Urals, crystal-bearing deposits, museum, funds.
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Development of the database of the collections of the Geological museum named after A. A. Chernov К. S. Popvasev
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.5.3
In modern museums, information and analytical systems complete many tasks related to museum activities. The application of generally accepted software systems, developed for subordinate museums of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, is limited in natural science museums. Often, natural science museums develop their own databases and information systems.
This article describes the development of a database of collections of the Geological Museum named after A. A. Chernov. We present main results of study — the design of a datalogical model.
Keywords: databases, datalogical design, natural science museums.
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From Professor D. P. Grigoriev’s archive: memories of A. K. Boldyrev, В. A. Zilbermints, L. L. Ivanov, V. I. Kryzhanovsky, P. P. Sushchinsky and N. M. Fedorovsky Yu. L. Voytekhovsky
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.5.4
The article publishes for the first time the memoirs of the Soviet mineralogist Prof. A. Ya. Mickey about the great Russian mineralogists and geologists A. K. Boldyrev, V. A. Zilbermints, L. L. Ivanov, V. I. Kryzhanovsky, P. P. Suschinsky and N. M. Fedorovsky, found by the author in the archive of Prof. D. P. Grigoriev, preserved at the Russian Mineralogical Society. All documents are transcribed, attributed and commented by the author. The relevance of the article lies in the necessity of defending priorities of the Russian science and technology. The purpose of the paper is to give a fullest coverage of professional and creative activities of the mentioned scientists as important episodes of the history of Russian mineralogy. The names of D. N. Artemyev, N. I. Bezborodko, V. I. Vernadsky, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, V. V. Dubyansky, A. V. Lavrsky, P. I. Lebedev, F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing, Ya. V. Samoylov, I. I. Tanatar, A. A. Tvalchrelidze, A. E. Fersman, E. S. Fedorov, P. N. Chirvinsky, and L. Ya. Yachevsky should appeal to a wide range of readers. The importance of personal archives in the study of the history of science is underlined. The archive of Professor D. P. Grigoriev in letters and other documents reflects a powerful layer of prewar and postwar history of Russian mineralogy. The article is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the A. A. Chernov Museum of the N. P. Yushkin Institute of Geology.
Keywords: D. P. Grigoriev, A. K. Boldyrev, V. A. Zilbermints, L. L. Ivanov, V. I. Kryzhanovsky, P. P. Suschinsky, N. M. Fedorovsky, history of mineralogy.
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Personal library of paleontologist D. M. Rauser-Chernousova L. P. Roshchevskaya, S. A. Simakova
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.5.4
The article aims to characterize the composition of the personal library of a twentieth-century Russian scientist, Doctor of Geological Sciences D. M. Rauser-Chernousova, whose scientific research contributed to the industrial development of several regions of the USSR, including the European Northeast. The techniques of intellectual history, library science and bibliometry were used. The mentoring principles of the scientific supervisor Professor A. A. Chernov and the personal pedagogical experience gained in the Pechora North during the Civil War had a great influence on the formation of the personality of the scientist. The scientist collected a large library, part of it was transferred to the Institute of Geology of the Komi Scientific Center in the late 1980s, highlighting groups of the main world literature on foraminifera and stratigraphy, general works on micropaleontology and stratigraphy. Based on the principles of the typology of publications, the library had monographs, periodicals, reference books, collections, articles, prints, abstracts. The most important distinctive features of the library were multilingualism, the presence of little-known, rare publications. It is concluded that the library performed informational functions for scientific creativity, reflected the com-municative nature of the scientist and professional interests in the study of the Arctic, the European North and the Pechora Region. The library can be assessed as a significant scientific and cultural phenomenon of the twentieth century.
Keywords: history of geology, historical and cultural heritage, scientific communication, personal book collection, Institute of Geology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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Chronicle, events, facts. History of Science |
Documentary and material scientific heritage of geologists in the A. A. Chernov Geological Museum Download full text
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Paintings within the walls of the Institute of Geology Download full text
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Coryphaeus of coal geology (The 100th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Vasilyevich Stepanov) Download full text
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The 15th Russian seminar «Technological mineralogy for assessing the quality of natural and technogenic mineral raw» Download full text
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