On the cover: carbonized plant remains in gaize (Upper Cretaceous, K2, Lemva River). Sample by P. Beznosov. Photo by R. Shuktomov
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Scientific articles
Isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian carbonate rocks of the Losinoostrov Formation (Subpolar Urals, Kozhim River) N. S. Inkina
Paleoproterozoic stromatolites Segosia columnaris and Sundosia mira of the Eastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield: microstructure and 3D modeling А. V. Lyutikov
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2024.3.2
The purpose of this study is to study the microstructure and 3D modeling of Paleoproterozoic stromatolites Segosia columnaris and Sundosia mira in the eastern part of the Fennoscandian shield (Karelian craton). The premise of the study is the extensive paleontological material collected by researchers in the 1950s and 1980s. Modern methods, including SEM analysis, 3D modeling, and the results of Raman spectroscopy are used. As a result of studying the microstructure of stromatolites, possible remnants of cyanobacteria involved in the formation of these structures were identified, which potentially indicated the biogenic origin of the studied samples. The results of Raman spectroscopy obtained by other authors also indicate the biogenic nature of the studied samples.
For the first time, images of the spatial shapes of the studied stromatolites were obtained by 3D visualization software, which could be used to refine the classification of stromatolites by morphological features. 3D modeling of stromatolite buildings allowed restoring their original shape.
Keywords: stromatolites, paleoproterozoic, scanning electron microscopy, 3D modeling, carbonaceous matter
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Effect of mineralizer and synthesis duration on sorption properties of sitinakite and ivanyukite I. А. Perovskiy, T. L. Panikorovskii, D. A. Shushkov
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2024.3.3
Titanosilicates with the structure of sitinakite and ivanyukite were synthesized with the use of enrichment wastes of quartz-leucoxene concentrate (Yarega deposit, Komi Republic) by autoclave method. It was found that using a mixture of mineralizer KOH and NaOH at a concentration of 0.15 and 1 mol/l, K-Na sitinakite was formed. Increasing the concentration of KOH to 0.45 mol/L and decreasing NaOH to 0.7 mol/L led to crystallization of ivanyukite. The obtained titanosilicates are characterized by high sorption activity towards Sr2+ and Cs+ cations. Sorption capacity of K-Na sitinakite and ivanyukite for Sr2+ was 95–110 and 102–114 mg/g, respectively. The Cs+ sorption capacity for K-Na sitinakite is 240 mg/g, the sorption capacity for ivanyukite is much higher — 370–380 mg/g. It was shown that the differences in the sorption capacity of K-Na sitinakite and ivanyukite are caused by the features of the crystal structure.
Keywords: titanosilicates, sitinakite, ivanyukite, sorption, Cs, Sr
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From the Professor D. P. Grigoriev Archive: Professor A. Ya. Mickey’s letters Yu. L. Voytekhovsky
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2024.3.4
This article completes the publication of the «Memories of Mineralogists» of the repressed Professor A. Ya. Mickey, found by the author in the Professor D. P. Grigoriev Archive, kept in the Russian Mineralogical Society. From the correspondence the motivations and life circumstances in which the texts were written become clear. A. Ya. Mickey’s letters are deciphered, attributed and briefly commented. The relevance of the article lies in the need to uphold the priorities of Russian science. The aim of the work is to cover as fully as possible the professional activities of repressed mineralogists as an important component of the history of Russian science. Mention of I. M. Beznarytny, A. K. Boldyrev, P. V. Bryantsev, V. I. Vernadsky, P. Groth, S. A. Zaborovsky, V. A. Zilbermints, L. L. Ivanov, E. P. Kastner, V. I. Kryzhanovsky, E. K. Lazarenko, N. I. Lebedev, A. V. Nechaev, I. I. Tanatar, V. V. Tikhomirov, E. K. Ustiev, N. M. Fedorovsky, G. K. Feldman, A. E. Fersman, P. N. Chirvinsky, and I. I. Shafranovsky should attract the attention of readers. Attention is drawn to the importance of personal archives in the study of the history of science. The of Professor D. P. Grigoriev Archive in letters and other documents reflects several decades of the pre-war and post-war history of Russian mineralogy.
Keywords: D. P. Grigoriev, A. Ya. Mickey, personal archives, history of mineralogy
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On the question of the age of the Dzhezhim formation of the South Timan N. Y. Nikulova, K. V. Kulikova, A. N. Sandula
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In memory of Vasily Nikolaevich Filippov
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