On the cover: Nest of goethite micrograins in kaolinite-hydromica aggregate of Riphean quartz sandstones. Volsko-Vymskaya Ridge of Middle Timan. Crossed-nicols image of the thin section. Photo by M. Sokerin
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Heading into 2025. A. M. Askhabov
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Scientific articles
Gold typomorphism in metasomatites of gold-sulfide deposit (Middle Urals, Trans-Ural megazone) A. V. Chumakov, O. V. Alikin, V. N. Rudashevsky, S. A. Udintsova, E. G. Panova, P. N. Leibham
Petrophysical grouping of schist rocks of the Nerkayu complex (the Nether-Polar Urals) T. A. Ponomareva, E. V. Kushmanova
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2025.1.2
The article presents results of petrophysical grouping of schist rocks of the Nerkay complex using petrophysical, petrographic and mineralogical data. Among crystalline schists, four petrogroups differing by material composition, physical parameters and genesis are identified for the first time. Two petrogroups are distinguished by density. The first petrogroup with low densities is represented by highly foliated garnet-bearing and garnet quartz-clinozoisite-amphibole-chlorite-muscovite-albite schists formed over clayey rocks. The second petrogroup of rocks with increased densities consists of gneissose rocks, the protolith of which was sandstones, as well as apobasaltic predominantly amphibole schists.
According to their magnetic properties, four petromagnetic groups are distinguished: two non-magnetic, depending on the rock-forming minerals, and two magnetic, determined by the amount of magnetite formed during secondary (superimposed) processes.
Keywords: schists, composition, physical properties, density, magnetic susceptibility, Nerkayu complex, Nether-Polar Urals
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Review of underwater smokers on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge I. G. Dobretsova
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2025.1.3
Video observations and sampling of the Atlantic Ocean floor on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have revealed previously unknown green, greenish-white and orange smokers in addition to the well-known black and white ones. Besides, a variety of mineral compositions has been revealed among the white smokers. The connection between smokers and degassing processes and sediments, as well as their hydrothermal-bacterial genesis, has been shown.
Keywords: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, smokers, deep-sea polymetallic sulfides, degassing
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Identification of geochemical markers of the halo projection of deep-seated ore bodies based on the results of sampling the snow cover (using the example of the Turuntaevsky polymetallic deposit) M. P. Tentyukov, I. S. Sobolev, D. V. Kamashev, G. V. Ignatiev, R. I. Shaibekov, V. I. Mikhailov, E. G. Yazikov, R. Yu. Gavrilov, V. S. Buchelnikov
From teaching experience. XVI. Mineral associations: contiguity, paragenesis, parasteresis. Celebrating the 260th anniversary of the birth of V. M. Severgin Yu. L. Voytekhovsky
DOI: 10.19110/geov.2025.1.5
The article reviews the history of the concept of paragenesis in mineralogy and petrography. The concepts of «contiguity» by V. M. Severgin and «paragenesis» by A. Breithaupt are compared, contradictions in the discussion of priority are removed. The genetic (causal), paragenetic, parasteric and random (correlated) relationships between mineral associations are studied. The importance of knowledge of the history of science and accordingly reading primary sources is stressed. The article is intended for teachers and students of geological faculties of universities, but can also be used by teachers of secondary schools in optional lessons. The text is accompanied by rare photos from the archive of Professor D. P. Grigoriev placed in the Russian Mineralogical Society.
Keywords: contiguity, genesis, paragenesis, parasteresis, homogeneous and heterogeneous mineral associations, V. M. Severgin, A. Breithaupt
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Plan of scientific events in the Institute of geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS in 2025
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